
What she Wore: jean capris, brown short-sleeve tee with turquoise trim on the cuffs, collar, and bottom, turquoise leather thongs.  I am sorry, but there will be no shoe picture today.  I am desperately in need of a pedicure and nobody needs to see these toes.

Addiction is a terrible thing, and this entry is not intended to poke fun.  I’m serious about this


I have come to the realization that I am addicted to Diet Coke.  This is not a pretty thing.  As soon as I wake in the morning I MUST have a Diet Coke.  If there isn’t one in the house I will moan and groan until I go out and get one.  If I go more than a couple of hours without, I will have a pounding headache that is almost impossible to get rid of.  Diet Pepsi or Diet generic cola will not do.  I won’t get a headache, but I’ll fall asleep and won’t be able to do anything.


What do they put in that stuff?


How many do I have a day?  Well, that would be hard to estimate, but if I had to I would say it’s between three and four cokes a day.  A DAY!  This is not good.  And I may be lying–addiction makes you do crazy things.


The Hub and I are making “plans” and if things go accordingly I will HAVE to cut back on my caffeine intake.  This will be fine as long as everyone concerned is Ok with living/working/dealing with She-Bitch.  Not good.  What am I going to do?  There is no patch for diet coke!


What do they put in that stuff?  Ok, now I’m all stressed out—I think I need to go get a diet Coke.




PS: Here is some more randomness from my brain:

  1. I saw the girl who never recognizes me, and she recognized me!  Apprently, fourth times the charm.  Or, she reads my blog (joke).
  2. The Hub and I went sight-seeing in this area that I LOVE and took some pictures.  I’ve got some of my favorites in the photo album.
  3. Jessica’s Simpson’s new song?  LOVING IT!  Makes me wanna put on my dancing shoes and go out on the town.

About takedeux

In one summer I had a baby who was hospitalized for five weeks, quit my job, and moved back to my hometown. This blog is about starting over.
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42 Responses to Coke-a-holic

  1. Sheryl-Ann says:

    First to comment – YAY! I should be studying but…………You poor thing – that addiction is serious and could interfere with the \’plan\’ (smile).  Nah, you will be fine.  I think after a week of not drinking it, you will get over it.  I am not sure, though……..these sodas are like cigs!!
    Enjoy the evening.

  2. Dennis says:

    Surprise visit from behind the boxes.  Did I hear plans?  House plans?  I think not.  Travel plans?  Another big negatory.  Something in the over plans?  Oh!  That would be right on target.  Dennis is a good name for a boy.  🙂

  3. Tracy says:

    I know, much as I hate to admit it — I like Jessica\’s new song too, of course it sounds just like that Madonna song, but whatever, I don\’t care.    So you are making "plans" huh?!? EXCITING!!!  Funny about the diet coke addiction, well I suppose if you turn into she-bitch it won\’t be so funny for those around you.  I am the same with coffee, and I hate it.  I have to have coffee in the morning or I get that terrible headache.  But I CAN substitute for other caffeine if I must, but apparently you can\’t!!!  That is weird!  I hope you figure something out though! 

  4. Jaysey says:

    LOL!  I\’m addicted to the non-Diet variety of the same thing–not sure what it is about that stuff.  I didn\’t really think orange was that poular, either–it surprised me, too. 

  5. Unknown says:

    I have been addicted to very little, in my life.  I just don\’t seem to have addictive behaviors.  HOWEVER………many, many years ago I was addicted to Diet Coke.  LOVED it!  Now, I not only don\’t touch it………..I don\’t drink ANY carbonated beverages.  You can do it!  Hugs….MT

  6. barnyardmama says:

    @MT–i have an addictive personality.  Right now I\’m addicted to blogging and Diet Coke.  And shoes.   It\’s always something.

  7. Karla says:

    Hhhhmmm… well we all thought that you would turn into the she-bitch when you had to start being at work at 730am (remember that semester that you had to wake up for an early morning class… I think it was the same semester we got into our only fight ever?). You seem to have adjusted to the teaching schedule, I\’m sure you\’ll adjust to cutting down on your diet coke intake. You can always try weening yourself off by going half and half with the caffeine free diet coke variety. Not sure how close to the real thing that is on the taste? But I have recently acquired the same addiction. Not a good thing. Need to switch back to the water, but diet coke is so much yummier. If you can\’t have diet coke, what are you going to have with your rum? J/K

  8. Karla says:

    Have you ever noticed that the machine kind tastes so much better than the bottled/canned variety?

    If you are in the mood to put your dancing shoes on, I may have to talke advantage and drive my butt over to the LR…

  9. Karla says:

    I think I might be addicted to food/eating…

  10. Unknown says:

    and what did you have to eat with all those Diet Cokes? Ms. b1tch must know!

  11. K says:

    Talk is good.. the practicing is even better!
    I know many people who are addicted to pop (or as you call it – cola) and they had to ween themselves off of it very gradually.  Good luck!  I prefer Root Beer or Ginger Ale – they say it\’s not so bad for you.
    I haven\’t heard Jessica Simpson\’s new song.  Sorry  – but she\’s too much of a fruit cake for me to like.  But I will allow myself to listen to it – whenever it comes to Canada and gets air play.
    Take care planner!
    Ciao bella,

  12. Kathryn says:

    Have to have my two cups of coffee in the morning and it\’s been so long since I HAVEN\’T had them I can only imagine the headache I\’d get without coffee. Sometime I imagine what would happen if there was some natural disaster and I couldn\’tget to my coffee, and what the hell would I do (and of course, you\’d think coffee would be the LAST thing on my mind if there was some natural disaster *laughing*)

  13. KEL says:

    I can totally relate…Diet coke is my life at work…yay for me I have an unlimited supply so yes I do usually go thru about 4 a day in an 8 hour span of time.  Truth is …I can\’t live without diet coke or Dr. Pepper!

  14. Unknown says:

    Hmmmm…. Plans??  Well, if they go accordingly you can blame the moodiness/withdrawl symptons from lack of caffeine on that…at least for a little bit.  I have the same problem with Cherry Vanilla Diet Dr. Pepper.  
    I would love to go shopping! Come on over.  You can go to the beach on this side!

  15. Sue says:

    I\’m addicted to Diet Coke too.  Nasty addiction, but I love it!  If it\’s any comfort, when our \’plan\’ happened, caffeine made me nauseous especially in the morning.  So I cut WAY back without problem.  ; )
    Don\’t ask me why that girlie wore a tee to the city.  I guess she is no longer anonymous either.  She found my blog yesterday, but I\’m sure her reading it will be short lived.  Too much to do up there.  Her comment cracked up because she wrote that as soon as she got back to her apt from leaving here last night so I know she was drinking.  hmm… 
    I need a pedicure too.  Let\’s get one.
    : ) sue

  16. Jennifer says:

    i hear you sister!!!
    i\’m a full on pepsi girl myself. not diet. not caffiene free, but regular pepsi!
    i swear the first swig of the day is like a shot of heroin (i imagine) and it\’s  just as addicting
    and cans are better than bottles and fountain soda, if the mix is right, is the BEST.

  17. Antonella says:

    Your blog today made me cringe! Soda first thing in the morning! OMG what a terrible addiction, it\’s almost as bad as smoking! Come on, you\’ve got to cut down!
    About that girl, you should have pretended not to remember who she was. I wonder what she\’d do then.

  18. Julie says:

    Shhhh…exchange the D.C. for coffee, and suddenly you\’ll look like a responsible adult.  I too, was once addicted to the nectar hidden inside those lovely silver and red cans.  Coffee helps me "fake adult" better.  Not that you would have to fake it, but I do. 

  19. tassietoo says:

    On the diet coke thing, I\’m right there with you.  First thing in the morning…last thing at night…anytime!  And the more often the better!  LOL… When I got poor for a while it made cutting back easy, but I refound the habit with a vengeance years later!  And our "plans"?  Two weeks baby, both times…no pill no problem, LOL!

  20. Unknown says:

    Just slowly introduce something else into your beverage schedule to distract you, if only for a moment. I had a major addiction to Nesquik before high school…but I can go for weeks without it now. I think powerade during band camp did it for me.I really think I would\’ve built an addiction to snapple when I was in NY, but moving away from it (literally), well…got rid of my building addiction.My two cents on beverage addiction.-Josh "The Ender"

  21. Betty says:

    Hi KM
    I\’ve been addicted to a lot of things in my life and have overcome all of them except coffee.  Good luck!
    While I have painted for years in other medium, I did not begin to watercolor until 95.  I took a class and from the first day I loved watercolor and was good at it.  Actually, the more you do it, the better you get.  I joined an art guild and within a couple of years I was showing and selling my work.
    Some advice: art supply stores generally sponsor classes.  They don\’t have to be particularly good, just weekly.  Read lots of instruction books.  As you know, we all learn differently and you may find your niche from a book by an artist you like.  Follow your own style.  I found that my style was whimsical.  Paint what you like to paint.  If you love flowers paint florals because you will do that better than a painter who does not particularly like flowers.  I paint florals and houses and figurals because I like them.  I sell more figurals than anything else, but a lot of flowers and houses also.  If you fall in love with the medium, you will paint a lot, if you paint a lot you will become pretty good at it. 

  22. Toni says:

      I have a serious coke addiction, too. i\’m terrible. i kicked it once but fell off the wagon a few months ago again. it\’s rough. but i understand.
      i\’m LOVING your pictures! i think i will have to move to that charming little town…and the beach ones made me miss p\’cola so bad i think i\’m gonna cry. the beach–what a great, great place to watch fireworks.
      glad you are back from your trip safe and sound. ~toni

  23. Toni says:

    and i just realized–"plans"?! good luck! we\’ve got "plans" of our own…just no time to put them into action. (haha…"action"…hooo…that was lame, I know.) but seriously–have fun. and be strong with the soda-sober thing. ~toni

  24. Soleilmavis says:

    Please sign your support to stop electronic weapons torturing and harassing citizen  (click “sign your support to stop electronic weapons torturing and harassment”which under categories, read “Soleilmavis’s story” and “Add a comment” to sign your support) It will be much appreciated if you can pass this messenger around. (If you see any ”squares”on your computer, please only read English partial.) 寻求签名支持(Add a comment),阻止电磁波武器,声波武器,心灵控制武器对合法公民的虐待。   非常感谢。

  25. Unknown says:

    If you are not addicted to one thing it is another, I used to be the same way with Dr. Pepper. I slowly cut back and my addiction turned to tea. Granted this is better than all that pop, but it seems that one addiction turns to another..

  26. ACT says:

    I completely understand about the addiction…I\’m a regular coke drinker and you\’re right, first thing in the morning is best.  However, your "plans" give you incentive to start cutting back now.  It\’s not only the caffiene but the artificial sweetner in diet soda that is not healthy.  Start by keeping track of how many you actually drink a day (you\’ll be surprised) and then cut back one a week.  Do that for a week and when you are used to that, cut another one out.  Eventually you\’ll switch over to something else…I drank lemonade when I was expecting!  It was hell to give up my soda but knowing why made me that much more determined.  Enough of my soap-box preaching.  You\’ll do it just fine…Good luck!

  27. Kelly says:

    Jessica Simpson sings? I thought she just dressed up and went out on the town. Hmmm. Who knew.You are C-R-A-Z-Y with the Diet Coke, girl. You make my coffee addiction look innocent!

  28. Stacy says:

    I too was an addict – Coffee.  I started by cutting back 1/2 can a week until I weaned myself from it.  That way the headache wasn\’t there.  Don\’t go cold turkey or you will not be able to function for at least 3 days.
    Good luck on the little plan also!

  29. Sarah says:

    Wow. That\’s a lot of diet coke. I am so glad that I normally don\’t drink pop. I pretty much only drink water and juice (don\’t get me wrong…I\’m not that healthy in any other aspect of my life). I always feel bad if I get company though "Would you like something to drink?" "Sure" "Well, I\’ve got water and….water." Probably not the best hostess ever!
    Good luck with getting off of it and the other "plans". At least the "plans" will make it worth while to get off of it!!!

  30. David says:

    Hi there…

    I have had a pretty serious addiction to that stuff too…I used to buy about 20 2-liter bottles for a 2-week period…and hope it was enough (that didn\’t count what I\’d drink when I went out, either). I finally cut way back, and am "down" to about 1 bottle every two days. I did it but switching about 50/50 to the Caffeine Free Diet Coke (meaning I\’d buy half Caffeine Free and half regular DC), and I\’d alternate between drinking a glass of one, then the other, then back…eventually switching to CF DC all the time, and cut back on that too over time.

    Me, it was just bad.

    Also, I MADE myself drink a glass of water between glasses of soda.

    I hope this helps! It sounds like you\’re "expecting" good things in your furture!!!

    -David //BootJockey

  31. Unknown says:

    Nothing drives me any more crazy than my hubby standing there with coffee in his hand first thing in the morning asking me if I think my Diet Coke is really the best choice for MY morning drink.  Girl, your addiction is mild compared to how many I drink a day (I\’m kinda scared to say here as no one has come close to the number I drink each day)!  It\’s funny though, when we go out to eat I have to have unsweetened iced tea.  I guess just to make you feel better about how many you drink every day I will let you know that I have at least a 12 pack a day (day starts at 5 a.m. and ends around 11 p.m.).  I don\’t want to hear how bad it is for me and blah, blah, blah from anyone.  I know all that so don\’t bother.  I love the stuff!  I could be addicted to worse things than Diet Coke right?!
    ps.  I can drink caffine free or one with caffine, makes no difference, both taste the same to me.  Maybe you can slowly work your way to caffine free Diet Coke?  That\’s still alright isn\’t it?  It\’s been too long since I had my kid and I wasn\’t a coke drinker back then, just tea (decaffinated) and water.  How times change *sigh*.

  32. Nadine says:

      I have you beat….5 diet vanilla Pepsi a day….it is sooooo smmmoooooth………yummmmmmmmmy!!
     It is perfectly okay to see your freinds nekked…..Roy was lookin\’ at a magazine…one of those where biker chicks show off their boobs….I am not sure what that is all about…showing your boobs…to complete strangers….but anyway…He flips the magazine around and says,"Is this the Princess?" I gave a quick glance, "Nope, That isn\’t her boobs." Talk about an enquistion!!! He wanted to know the facts and how I know such info…." we slept together once to see if we were gay. And we aren\’t so here I am." If I have an opportunity to mess with mind I take it!
    Cuter packages?! too funny!!

  33. Dream I Fly says:

    My legal drug of choice is Tab (yes, they still make it). Every now and then (V E R Y occasionally) I\’ll decide I drink too much and start cutting back – I do it by moving to have to drink 2 glasses of water between every glass of Tab for a day or two then finally I\’m down to 2 a day within about 4 days. I usually have one first thing in the AM (I can totally relate to the AM stress adn the bad thing is you can\’t get Tab at a stop n rob!!!) and then one w lunch or save it for mid-afternoon break depending on my lunch plans.
    Good luck w ALL your plans. I will leave you w the happy thought that ALLLLLLL caffeinated (sp??) drinks were nasty to me while I was pregnant adn the weird thing all chocolate tasted old…..

  34. Unknown says:

    I must admit that I too am a Diet Coke junkie…and nothing else will do…sometimes I choose a restaurant based on whether they serve Coke or Pepsi products…Diet Pepsi just isn\’t the same!  When I was pregnant I had to cut back to 1 a day, but now I am back up to at least 2…and I think I feel okay with that!  I mean some people drink coffee like crazy…so whats wrong with me being addicted to Diet Coke!  In fact, I must go grab one now…I feel the telltale caffeine withdrawal headache coming on!  It is a little scary that my sweet 9 month old daughter is already fascinated by the shiny DC can!

  35. Becca says:

    I love any diet coke products, especially diet cherry coke! Yum! Addicting!

  36. siobhan says:

    I was doing the same thing.  I was bartending and I counted how many sodas I poured for myself.  SCARY.  Now I drink water pretty much all day and I only have a diet occasionally.  It was hard at first, but now I really don\’t even really want soda much.  If only I could do that with wine!!  🙂

  37. CJ says:

    It\’s the caffeine, sweetie.  Substitute chocolate bars…or coffee, yeah, that\’s it….COFFEE!!  YEAH, YEAH…And she FINALLY recognized you?  About time!  You\’re scaring me a little with the "packages" though…most of the dogs around our house get shaved…eeeeuuuw.  How cute would THAT package be?  I love your comments on my\’re adorable!  I\’m saving the incorrect brace to guarantee the doc gets his own doctors appointment, hopefully with a proctologist.  We\’ll see. And now, I need my evening COFFEE fix, so I\’ll catch you later! 

  38. Unknown says:

    i believe coke is bad for you. Too much sugar. When i see large people and large Americans specifically, iand they are clutching a 48oz Big Gulp i think…do the math fatso!  I drink diet coke or diet pepsi once in  a while but i\’m suspicious of the aspartame or whatever it is.  I think it\’s bad for you – even if it has 1 calorie, i think it\’s bad for trying to get into or being in good shape.  The caffeine headaches….just wein yourself  off of it and replace it with water.

  39. Unknown says:

    PLANS???  What plans?  Are you guys trying to get pregnant?  That\’s the first thing that popped into my head when I read that because at the moment I am baby-obsessed.
    I am in the same boat as you.  I\’m a Dr Pepper recovering ADDICT.  They really should have a 12 step program for getting off this stuff.  It was HARD.  I would drink 4 – 5 a day too!  If I didn\’t, I\’d get the headaches.  It\’s the caffeine.  That\’s what you\’re really addicted too. 
    I cut back every time I\’m in the "two week wait".  Then when I find out I\’m not pregnant, I drink it again.  Hey, have to make up for lost time. 
    (And here I sit in the two week wait AGAIN and I\’m hoping that I\’m pregnant….but I really miss my DP)
    God bless : )

  40. Gina says:

    OMG, I have the same Coke addiction, so does the Husband.  I finally had to seriously stop buying it and just deal with it.

  41. Brenda says:

    You mean I\’m not the only Diet Coke addict in Spaces-ville??  For us addicts, 3 or 4 Diet Cokes a day is nothing.  And if my Hubs even alluded to me giving it up, he\’d have the ultimate "She-Bitch" to deal with too.  (Did you know there was a guy on the "Today" show talking about the secret ingredients in Coca-Cola this morning?  Whoa.)
    BTW: I love your Blog and can\’t believe this is my first visit.  It won\’t be my last, that\’s for sure. 🙂

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